Excuse me, you look so familiar! Do I know you? I know this may sound like a pick-up line, but this post is not about my dating life. I don’t know if you ever hear that line, but I get it every now and then and I always roll through the various places that I could have been connected to the person…Church, School, Neighborhood, Work, etc… Sometimes, some place will click and sometimes it just stays a mystery. But sometimes, it knocks me off of my feet. “Are you a model for Chicos?” Yes, someone, actually more than one, has used that line on me. Now I know what you are thinking… “Lisa, a model?” Well, it was only a few years ago that I would have said the same thing. But, five years ago, I took a leap of faith, and volunteered to be a “model” at a fashion show. With a room full of women on Derby Day 2015, I “walked the runway” for the first time! ...