
Showing posts from December, 2021
THE LAST WEDNESDAY of the YEAR!! Good grief!! It’s nearly 11pm, on Wednesday. Once again, my days are so messed up! With the holidays falling on the weekend, I haven’t been able to keep the days straight! However, I do know that today is December 29 and there are no more Wednesdays in 2021! WOW, just WOW! I decided it’s probably update time, and this time, maybe my look back at life as I have known it in 2021! *Last years holidays were different, and this year’s holidays were different too. Sadly, Covid was a part of each year and it is my holiday wish that next year…we can get back to our traditions! *June 2021 marked the one-year anniversary of my arrival back in Louisville. It also marked the four-year mark of my divorce being final, and yet, I didn’t have a meltdown. Although I’m still trying to map out my “new” chapter, it is easier. *August 2021 I celebrated one year at a job that I really like! I feel so fortunate that I got the parttime work that gives me a purpose ...
  What day is it???   OOOPS!   Looks like I am a day late with this post! I’m not sure why, but for the last week, I have had no clue what day of the week it was! Perhaps it was because I’m on Christmas break from work or maybe, it had something to do with the two-year-old and the two-month old who just went back home this week! WHEW! I have forgotten that I’m not a young Mom anymore and I have no experience with being a Mom to two kids…so I have to admit, it was exhausting. But I absolutely enjoyed every minute of being CeCe to my two boys!! Katie & Anthony arrived with the boys on Thursday afternoon. After seven hours in the car, you can imagine how Gabriel was ready to roll and Adrian was just wide eyed and wondering “what the hell?” We had planned an early Christmas with them so under the tree was full of gifts and McDonalds was on the menu! We started with the gifts and Gabriel was so excited with the packages…squealing and shaking boxes. I realized t...
  I CANNOT WAIT!!! Oh yes, I am so excited for Christmas but I can’t wait until tomorrow night (Thursday) when we will have Katie & Anthony, Gabriel & Adrian in the house!! I hope I can sleep because I’ve got to be ready to roll once they walk in the door!! I feel like last weekend was my kick-off for the last couple of weeks before Christmas. Our interactive White Christmas party with friends was definitely a hit and I think we’ve got a new tradition on our hands. There were some newbies to the movie which was shocking, but everyone was new to the interactive version…except for a few of us! The remnants of the tornado were with us as the high winds brought on the chilly air, but we braved the weather outside around the fire pit and two amazing kerosene heaters. There were props (like popcorn instead of snow) and there were characters in costume. There was chili and soup and very cool hot chocolate/coffee bars with lots of extra treats to add to your beverage! It was...
  Finished with my Christmas shopping! (or am I?)   It’s no secret that I love Christmas and it’s no secret that I enjoy Christmas shopping, although it’s not as much fun when it’s online all of the time. So, what’s the problem? Well, for the past several weeks, I have been doing my Christmas shopping, mostly online. Throughout the year, I have seen different things, put into an email folder and review them when it’s time to purchase. When Gabriel was born, we changed up my gifts to Katie’s family. After hearing about this from a very smart friend, I decided it would be fun for my crew. So, I planned out “Something you Want, Something you Need, Something to Wear and Something to Read.” This seemed really wise, keeping the bountiful display of gifts down to a stack of four for each of my “kids!” (Katie, Anthony & Gabriel) For the rest of the family, I just try to listen or think of items that are not expected and hopefully will serve a purpose. I do try and get th...
  Ahhhhhhh…December!   With the passing of Thanksgiving and all of its festivities, December bounced in today and already, I’m off and running! I’ve barely gotten back into the groove after traveling for Thanksgiving and I’m working on my December “things!” You know what I mean…gifts, gift wrapping, assisting others with their shopping/wrapping, and putting my flip flops and sandals up for the season! Yep…still have my fall/winter shoes under the bed or tossed in the closet while my summer shoes are hanging nicely in the rack on my closet door! That chore is on my list, but it hasn’t moved very far! Okay, enough whining! I have to share my Thanksgiving with my grandsons. I knew my heart would be overflowing but I almost think it could explode with love! A 2-year-old and a 2-month-old make for interesting dynamics. I’m a little late to the grandma game so forgive me if I seem to be an amateur! My goal was to finally get a picture with both Gabriel & Adrian and me. W...