

With the passing of Thanksgiving and all of its festivities, December bounced in today and already, I’m off and running! I’ve barely gotten back into the groove after traveling for Thanksgiving and I’m working on my December “things!” You know what I mean…gifts, gift wrapping, assisting others with their shopping/wrapping, and putting my flip flops and sandals up for the season! Yep…still have my fall/winter shoes under the bed or tossed in the closet while my summer shoes are hanging nicely in the rack on my closet door! That chore is on my list, but it hasn’t moved very far! Okay, enough whining!

I have to share my Thanksgiving with my grandsons. I knew my heart would be overflowing but I almost think it could explode with love! A 2-year-old and a 2-month-old make for interesting dynamics. I’m a little late to the grandma game so forgive me if I seem to be an amateur!

My goal was to finally get a picture with both Gabriel & Adrian and me. We have tried during the last two visits and it never worked. Gabriel was never cooperating! Honestly, he prefers selfies! After chatting with some seasoned grandmas, I decided bribing would be next.

Fortunately, I had packed some tasty homemade (by my brother-in-law), chocolate chip cookies so I was well prepared. Thursday morning, with both boys in their cute little Thanksgiving outfits, we decided to try. Katie spoke to Gabriel, advising him of the plan and even mentioning the cookie. He seemed on board for that plan. After several attempts, we got a few (you will see in this post). It wasn’t easy and he has a partial cookie in his hand if you look close enough.

On Friday, we decided to try getting a picture with their matching PJs that I had gotten…Daddy and his two boys! We decided the bribe might not be needed since everyone was dressed the same and it was going to be fun. First, we tried the two boys…you’ll see how that worked out in the pictures. Anthony finally scooped him up and we just kept snapping our phones, hoping that at least one picture would come out. (look for that picture too!)

I’ve seen so many cute grandparent pictures on Facebook…matching PJs or Christmas hats, gathering around the table decorating cookies, some big groups, some smaller groups. Although mine aren’t picture perfect poses, they are most precious to me! So many stories behind the scenes and some day, when they are grown up, they’ll have some laughs about it too. (I hope!) As one of my dearest friends said, “How do those Duggers do it???” LOL!!

In all actuality, Thanksgiving was my preview of our Christmas. Gabriel is just starting to get it! He gets so excited about the lights and the decorations. He knows there are presents in his future. When he comes to visit in Louisville, before Christmas, there will be plenty for him to see! He’ll get to open up gifts while he is here, even if it is a little before Christmas.

I’m his CeCe…I will do my best to stay within the parental boundaries, but…a cookie for a bribe, maybe even a donut or cheese puffs for breakfast, and lots of goodies under the tree will be totally within my “rights!” (right???)

My busyness these days is planning activities for the few days they will be here. I CANNOT WAIT!!

In the meantime, there will be small gatherings around the piano and a White Christmas party (my version of the interactive version) with friends and who knows what the rest of the month will bring!

I’m going to enjoy it…get the imperfect pictures and make those memories that will linger in my heart! I hope you get to do the same! The countdown is on!!! Happy December!





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