Where does the time go???


This past weekend, I was asking that question several times! The celebrating of Gabriel’s second birthday and the celebrating of Katie’s last month of pregnancy! Good grief…time is flying by!

I was able to get a few days away to get to Pittsburgh one last time before T2 (baby Turpiano #2) arrives, probably early October. Looks like Gabriel’s birthday will usually fall on or near Labor Day, which is nice for travel reason! Once Katie & Anthony decided on a date for his birthday, I decided to have a Baby Brunch (or a Sprinkle, as some may call it!). Traditions dictate that a second pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean a baby shower. But for goodness sake, this girl is nurturing a human being and as far as I’m concerned, it’s a reason to celebrate!

With parties in place, I headed to Pittsburgh for a visit that was sure to be full of sweet treats! My original plan to host a brunch was upset when the restaurant enclosed their patio!  After a few phone calls, we found an outdoor, covered patio that was willing to take our reservation and provide a private area for us. Sunday was a lovely day, with cooler temperatures and an overcast sky. Food and drinks were tasty and everyone left with a “treat bag!” There were sunglasses, “vac-seen” bracelets, and a small pack of macarons, matching the theme colors of the cake. The cake was designed and produced by Katie’s friend, Aubrey of Whipped by Aubrey and she did not disappoint! Shout out to this talented young baker!!

On Monday, Gabriel’s birthday brunch began with a bang! Of course, it was held outside, although the attendees were all vaccinated, it was just a beautiful day to setup outdoors. The guest list was primarily a small group of neighbors and his grandparents (yes, Greg & I were together for the occasion!).

I have to say, Gabriel didn’t really know that the celebration was about him but he sure was happy to oblige…gift opening and another tasty cake with meringues from Aubrey! Gabriel loved his cake and the “cookies” (his name for the meringues!!). He consumed more sugar that day than ever before but when he crashed, he crashed. It was a big day for him!

As I sat back and observed Katie and Anthony as parents, I realized that in a month or so, there will be another little human taking up a lot of their time. Gabriel kisses Katie’s belly and says “baby” but he has no idea how his world is about to change. Watching this three-some made me smile and I know soon, I’ll be in love with the newest member of our family!

I also reflect on the fact that Gabriel was born just a few months before things shut down so he doesn’t know the world without covid things. He has moved to the toddler room at his Westinghouse daycare and they are wearing masks. Kids do what other kids do, so it won’t be a big deal but he looks so little in the big kids room!

Thinking back to when G was born and what it will be like when T2 is born…totally different. No waiting at the hospital for Anthony to come out and share the news! Gabriel and I will be home anxiously awaiting the news. Only one support person in the room where the babies are born. Bringing in meals and doing all of the photos won’t happen either. Again, we’ll just have to wait patiently at home. In some ways, I’m glad for Katie & Anthony to have these couple of days to bond with T2, but I don’t like being on the outside looking in. I’m already piling up some goodies for my stay with Gabriel!

Just a quick note on Greg and I being together over the weekend. We made it work. In fact, it was better than planned. There is still a love for one another that will always be there, but it’s different and we are making it work. We share a beautiful daughter in Katie and Gabriel loves us both. I know many people may have a hard time with this, but no one knows our hearts and heads. For us, except for still being married, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I am grateful that we have this kind of relationship and that we continue to work on it. So…rest assured that this #grownasswoman can handle it!



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