Busy Busy Busy!
Wednesday, off day! Oh how I love
the sound of that! It’s a busy day today so I thought, instead of working hard
to produce an official post, I’d get everyone caught up on a few things! Are
you ready???
Railing! I have been “de-railed” so to speak!
After trying to get the railing on our steps, paid for through the long-term
care company that provides such coverage, I was rejected! Rather than let it
go, I sent a letter to the CEO & President, the top four officers of the
company, and the President of the Board. Gotta say, it felt good although I
expected nothing in return.
Within 48 hours, I received a call from one of the senior staff people,
explaining the policy in more detail and he was kind enough to say it wasn’t
just cognitive deficiency, but there were seven areas of concern and he would
have to have two of those areas before he would qualify. The things were daily
activities like feeding himself, dressing himself, walking with assistance,
cognitive skills, showering, etc…all of these things my Dad can do on
his own. I explained to this “senior” staff person that he was an 87-year-old
man that we were trying to keep safe at home. Period.
He then had to listen to me state that I would think the goal would be to keep
a person at home, avoiding the move to a nursing home which would drain their
account, but he said, “When he’s ready, and you think he would have two of
those issues, just give us a call and we will set you up.” He also was quick to
say that sometimes, senior citizens can’t admit when they need help, he tried
to recommend a call to Dad, but I am pretty sure I know how that would go. So….No
rail will be claimed to be paid for by them!
My fingers!!
After 16 therapy
sessions, my index finger still won’t bend! The doctor has told me it
could be six months or longer. After a conversation with my therapist, we have
determined that I need a new gadget, contraption, whatever you want to call it.
This little piece of equipment is rented each month for $287. So we are going
to start with one month and see how it goes. Supposedly, it will be holding my
finger down…trying to make it bend. I’ll be keeping it on several hours a day
and checking in at physical therapy after three weeks. UGH!
Now, I’m not
happy about this at all. This is my right hand, and I have learned how to
manage with this crazy finger, but both my index and middle fingers are no
longer eligible for those jewelry ads or the hand lotion ads that I always
thought I could do as I got older. In fact, my ring finger on my right hand
chooses to keep its distance from those two fingers so I’m always working to
put my fingers together…filling the gaps! It’s not fun. However, I know others
who are dealing with much worse…like a whole hand issue. I will not complain. I’ll
just vent to anyone who will listen!
COVID! Raise your hand if you consider yourself
“covid fatigued!” It’s the pits and I totally know that I am in that group! I’m
headed to Pittsburgh this weekend to celebrate Gabriel’s second birthday and
Katie’s final month as the mother of one, so to be on the safe side, I had a
covid test this morning. Now, I got my results moments ago and I am just fine.
However, I have been out and about a little and around people who may have been
exposed during the last few days, so rather than take the chance before heading
north, I figured I’d double check. I’m relieved.
Although I
truly felt confident that I was fine, I know that even those who are vaccinated
can carry the germs and can get sick…Afterall, nothing is 100%. I know that my
Gabriel is too young to get the shot and our new baby (T2) to come is getting
antibodies from Katie who got her shots early on, but I don’t want to
unknowingly carry it to anyone.
I’m a vigilant
mask wearer in public places and honestly, unless I have to, my time around
unvaccinated people is almost non-existent. I do all of this for my Mom and
Dad. I also do it for those who are unable to be vaccinated and I will continue
to do so until it is safe. For those of you who were waiting for the FDA final
approval to get your shots…Get ‘er done!
Finally…I want to share the news that I have
been asked to become an administrator of a Facebook group that is a group for
women who have suffered a loss (divorce, death, infidelity, or other areas of
loss). It is not a support group, although it will provide positive support,
but it is a group that will cater to women. Some of the strategies and the
principles used by my counselor will be the guiding force. I am in the early stages of reviewing my
responsibilities. I’m happy to say it will be a PAID gig!! The “ask” came from
my therapist and although I’m not sure I am the right one for the job, I do
think I can be a positive light and present her strategies as a long-time
client. So, stay tuned! I’m excited. When the time comes and I can share more
info, you all will be the first to know!!
Enjoy your
extended weekend! I know I will! Stay safe and healthy! Love you all!!!
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