Just a few updates…
My fingers…OY! They are still swollen, I’m wearing
compression glove, buddy fingers, a tighter wrap, and using ice. It’s not
great, and today, after five weeks, my middle finger is much better (although
still swollen and a bit crooked!). My index/pointer finger is struggling! There
is movement, there is improvement from the first day, but there is concern.
This concern stems from the fact that from the tip to the first joint, there is
no flexibility! UGH! Today was comical. The therapist had me tightly strapped
for an intense five minutes. She removed the strap and BAM! The tip of my
finger just flipped up! Funny, not funny. The tendons are extremely tight and
we’re starting to wonder if the tip is going to come back. Friday, I have their
certified hand specialist checking it out and next Wednesday, they have the
head hand specialist coming and they have scheduled a session with me, so
hopefully, they will come up with a game plan. For now, I’m adapting! I’m using
it but I absolutely cannot spray my hairspray or Lysol, or pump my moisturizer
with that finger. It’s a goal that I have and hopefully, it will be achieved! I’m
fairly certain I won’t ever be a hand model and I know that bowling is out of
the question! Damn!
In the meantime, I have a friend who sliced the top of his
finger and is wrapped in a finger brace and I have another friend who has a
broken wrist. I’m not complaining! They are both in similar (or worse)
positions than me…I’m just not much help to them!
My weekend…AMAZING! A beautiful wedding and the first
real event I’ve attended since covid days. It was great to be with a large
group of people and we could hug. In addition, the wedding was super fun and
simply gorgeous…beautiful church, venue, and two families full of so much love.
I will say, there is nothing like that first wedding, after college graduation!
The young people were full of energy and having so much fun…lots of potential
for the guys and girls to meet someone and I’m sure that happened that night!
Thanks to my hosts! I also want to say that staying alone in a hotel room is
delightful! A king-sized bed, cool temps, controlling the remote control, and
no early morning wakeup calls. It was divine! Thanks to those who made it
possible!! I owe you!!!
My friend’s funeral…As you know, the wedding and the
funeral were on the same day. I was torn about missing it and was able to speak
to her brother a few days before. On the day after the funeral, I sent him a
note telling him I had been thinking of them and he told me things had gone
really well and, in his words, “We managed to bust out a recording of Time
Warp as things concluded at the gravesite. We couldn’t let Julie’s friends
walk away on a sad note.” WOW! That was
big…and so funny! It’s exactly how Julie would have wanted it and honestly, I’m
sorry I missed it! They were grateful for my follow-up and hopefully, we’ll see
each other again, in the not-too-distant future.
My life…It’s good. I’m getting out a little more and
although I have given up my Tuesday nights off for now, due to early therapy
for my hand, I’m doing fine! Mom has had a few appointments and things are good
(for her!). Dad is Dad, but good. You know, it’s all relative, but overall,
we’re good. My calendar has a couple social things in the spaces now, not just
doctor appointments and haircuts. Life is good!
Here’s hoping you are doing well…enjoying summer and staying
healthy! See you next week!!
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