New Girl in Town!


Monday, I started my new job!  It’s only been 2 full days (I’m off on Wednesdays!) but already, I know this is the place for me.  There is lots to learn and I have people working hard to help me get there.  The Executive Director is new as well (less than 2 months in) and she and I have connected from our first meeting.  She is young, and energetic.  She is open to suggestions and we already have a mutual trust.  We have both assured one another that we aren’t shy about sharing ideas and will not be offended if an idea is rejected.  That being said, it’s just the first week!  I hope that I will be reporting like this in a few weeks and in a few months. 

Remember when I said this was a “no frills” place?  Well, when I arrived on Monday, I found my phone…one of two office phones.  These phones are the first models of the “texting” phones from years ago...make that MANY years ago.  The top slides over and you have a full keyboard for texting.  It’s crazy!  After the phone was fully charged, I was able to see and delete messages.  

We plan to get updated, new phones, but that requires quite a bit of work.  AT&T will not make changes without the last four digits of the person who originally ordered the phones.  WTH???  No one currently in the office seems to know who that may have been.  I made that my job for Tuesday.

Monday was devoted to paperwork, familiarizing myself with the location of files, working on my work calendar (digital of course!) and those other first-day activities.  Setting up my email was quite a process but it is done!  I'm getting emails and ready to roll!

Yesterday, I worked with a volunteer, the husband of a Board member, who helped me with the QuickBooks part of my job.   I was a little anxious about that because I had never worked with QB, but I'm excited to get in there and find things that they haven't used, but will make life easier for everyone.  I was gifted "QuickBooks for Dummies" by this kind man.  How did he know???

Once he left, I was determined to get the AT&T situation under control. I started with the internet, hoping to get a "bundle" but that was not to be. However, it was productive.  I was able to get the internet down from $95/month to $40/month.  BAM!  That $55/month for a non-profit is like gold.  Now, it's a promotion, and it's only for 12 months, but I have marked my calendar and will take on the challenge next summer as we re-negotiate a good deal for this non-profit.   

Since were were unable to get a bundle with that rate, I had to contact a different department to deal with the phones.  That's when the games began!  Fortunately, I had a great customer service rep.  He was willing to give me the benefit of the doubt on some levels, like I had to guess the secret "clue" "Who was your favorite childhood hero?"  Come on, we laughed and he encouraged me to guess.  I said, "Superman" and he said, "You need to buy a lottery ticket!"  LOL!  There were several steps like this along the way.  It was nearly two hours of confirming the legitimacy of the request.  INSERT OBSERVATION!  If I didn't know better, I'd say he was flirting with me and I might have been flirting back!  We spoke of the organization's mission, the pandemic, and small talk as we waited for things to update.  When I do decide to leave CCC, I'll have a folder full of information for the new people.  It shouldn't be that hard!

Finally, we were done.  We now have to figure out what phones we want and get those ordered. A victory for us!   

It’s all coming together.  I think I’m glad that it’s kind of slow now, due to the pandemic.  It’s giving me time to get acclimated and settled in.  New jobs always have challenges, but these are not big ones…I think I’m going to like it just fine.

This past Friday, I managed to get away for a mani/pedi.  I needed the pampering.  I needed the break.  Not that I’m a spoiled brat or a diva, (well there may be a little diva in me!) but I needed something fun!  It was relaxing and totally awesome!

Then, this past Saturday, I visited my Cincinnati stylist for an updated cut and color.  As you probably remember, I am “embracing the gray” hair and although it is definitely a process, it is starting to grow on me!  To my Louisville friends, I do plan to get a stylist in town eventually, but after 30 years, and with this transition to "gray" I have to stay with my Cincinnati roots!  (see what I did there???)

During the 24 hours in Cincinnati, I was able to see a few friends and it felt good, to social distance with some of the best!  Sorry to those I missed…I will be back, rest assured! 

Upon my arrival home, I was met with the “oohs and ahhhhas” I had hoped for.  Never in 62 years has my hair been as light as it is now.  There is a little bit of gold in it…which will be toned down with my magic shampoo.  But overall, it’s a new me. 

And so this week, I’m breathing a sigh of relief…and counting my blessings.  I have a job that I like (so far), my appearance has been updated, and Mom and Dad are still standing! 

Wait, What???  Is she a blonde???

                                                       Getting used to it!!  

                                                 First day of "school!"

Safety first at the Salon!!!


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