I’m amazed…
I don’t really know how time goes so terribly fast, but this month, I’m feeling it for sure. The Gala is just a little over three weeks away. There are so many new things happening with The Gala as I take on my 5th one – New venue, new food stations, new activities, new rules and security logistics to name a few things. There is still the same solicitation of gifts and sponsorship that gets harder and harder each year. (shout out to my friends who donated baskets or bought raffle tickets! You rock!!) But…things are coming together…just like it does every year. To say this month is stressful and a bit terrifying would be an understatement! So, when people say, "Is planning the Gala your only job?" Well, yes it is...my only job!
Time is certainly going fast when it comes to my buddy Gabriel growing up! He just turned five months old and that is hard for me to believe! Maybe not quite as hard as believing that I have a 31-year old daughter, with a five-month-old, but hard to believe just the same!
Katie is back at work part-time, and Gabriel goes to work with Anthony for daycare three days a week. Anthony's employer has a daycare on the premises which makes it really nice for all of them. The title of this blog post, “I’m amazed…” comes from how Gabriel spends his days at daycare.
You would think that babies in daycare don’t do much. Well, I’m here to tell you, “this ain’t your momma’s daycare” for sure! I have seen him in the quad-stroller, going out for a walk with other babies all bundled up! I’ve seen him playing with a water station and I’ve seen him “conversing” with other babies.
I was so happy to see that he is doing well at daycare, and Katie and Anthony get updates and pictures throughout the day. It’s comforting for sure. It’s also nice to know that Anthony is just a few floors away from him if Gabriel (or Anthony) need a fix!
I was so happy to see that he is doing well at daycare, and Katie and Anthony get updates and pictures throughout the day. It’s comforting for sure. It’s also nice to know that Anthony is just a few floors away from him if Gabriel (or Anthony) need a fix!
Perhaps the most amazing thing for me was the past week and the art projects that Gabriel produced! Now we all know that he is advanced (at least I’m fairly certain he is), but the artwork that has come from daycare…well, it’s just too much! The pictures attached are adorable!
This cardinal is his sweet little hand and you can see him with the paintbrush, working on his next masterpiece. I melted when I saw these! No worries...the "paint" on this face is perfectly safe and easy to clean up!
Then, I had an awakening…I’m his CeCe and I’m starting to plan for those future play dates with him, when we'll play with the Fisher Price charcuterie platter as we host CeCe's version of a tea party! (wink wink!) There will be those days when we will take walks in the park (as long as there isn't too much wildlife!). There will be card games and board games (I'm not competitive like my daughter!) We'll go swimming and we'll do crafts!
WAIT...WHAT??? Crafts??? Oh I was feeling so good about coming up with some little crafts for Gabriel to create with me. Then I saw the artwork from daycare and I realized, CeCe's gonna have to "up her game" when it comes to crafts! (Full disclosure...crafts have never been my thing, but it's amazing what you can do when your grandchild is involved!!)
I keep thinking I have time to make these plans...but gosh...it's amazing how quickly the time goes! As much as I love seeing him grow into a little person, there are times when I get a FaceTime call and just want to freeze that little innocent smile.
For now, I'll worry about being creative with The Gala and making it a success! Then, when it's over, I'll start soliciting your best crafts so I can start to practice. I want to be ready when the time comes...like when he turns one!!
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