Oh the holidays…
and those darn cookie exchanges!

‘Tis the season for those fun gatherings with friends!  On Monday, one of those events took place…a cookie exchange with fairly new friends!  First, a little history!

Most of you know, I am NOT a baker!  I’m not sure why because I do enjoy a good cookie or brownie, but baking is too precise for me!  I’m not patient and I’m not exact.  Period!  Those are the two ingredients for a good baker! (see what I did there???)

Anyway, a couple of years ago, I was invited to a cookie exchange and I said on Facebook that I went into full panic mode.  Afterall, the rules state “home made” cookies!  If I am ever asked to bring dessert, it is usually something not baked or store bought.  Come on people, Katie, my only child didn’t even get a home made birthday cake until her 21st birthday!!

I committed to the party two years ago and with Katie’s assistance, I prepared a double chocolate mint cookie.  It was total amazement that I had these beautiful cookies and I proudly attended the cookie exchange.

My cookies were some of the first to disappear!  Then just two days later, Katie sent me a picture from the grocery store line that had the cover of bon appetit magazine, featuring those same cookies!  I have pictures to prove it below!!   So, my first cookie exchange event was a success and although I couldn’t call myself a “Martha Stewart” I proved that I wasn’t a total baking failure!

Last year, when the invitation came, I wasn’t in the holiday mood and once again, I got stressed out so I opted out of the party!  Because my friend is terribly kind, she did not drop me from the list and so, earlier this month, I was invited to this year's cookie exchange again.

Because the double chocolate mint cookies were such a hit the first time, I decided to pull out the recipe again and shoot for that.   This time, I was going to be in Louisville the weekend before the Monday night party which was fine…I would bake at Mom & Dad’s on that Saturday.

After dinner on Saturday night, the oven was pre-heated and the ingredients were assembled so the baking could begin.  I felt hopeful and confident that these cookies would be winners.  Fast forward to the removal of the first batch and all of that confidence was shattered.  The cookies looked bad and all of a sudden, my stress about my lack of baking ability crept back in.

My sweet Mom kept saying, “there’s nothing wrong with those…they look fine.”  But I knew the truth and I knew that I couldn’t go to the party with these cookies.

I was trying to decide what to do…call the hostess and tell her I was sick?  Or maybe I could blame the weather as it was pretty darn nasty that day.  Or I could just pretend that I forgot…but I couldn’t do it.  So I went to Servattis (an expensive local bakery!) and purchased fancy Christmas cookies.  I then sent a text to the hostess and said, “I had a cookie fail.  I have purchased bakery cookies.  Can I still come to the party?”  Of course, she replied “absolutely,” and I made the plan to attend with 2 dozen of the failed cookies (to prove that I tried) and 2 dozen of the fancy cookies (to prove that I’m not a slacker!).

I carefully plated the cookies on their 99 cent plates and headed to the party. Upon arrival, I placed my plates of cookies randomly on the table.  I watched guests packing up their goodies, selecting a variety of cookies to take home. 

As luck would have it, someone had brought similar cookies to mine, although to be quite honest, they didn’t look any better!  My bakery cookies were the first to go (not surprised!) but my homemade ones did go as well.  I chuckled as I looked at the vast array of cookies.  Some were beautiful and some were not so beautiful.  My favorites were the ornament shaped cookies that a toddler must have helped to decorate...I didn't feel so bad!

I had a good time…the friendships are fun and even if we only see each other at this event, it’s been nice.  However, I have sworn off cookie exchanges!  Too much stress!! 
Next year, I’m making my famous eggnog and if I’m allowed, I’ll prepare two dozen plastic containers in place of my cookies.  I don’t plan to bake cookies but I’m not too proud to ask someone to bake for me. 

I’m going to start my own “exchange!”  How about your favorite Christmas cocktail?  Who’s in???
This is from 2017 the cover of bon appetit magazine!

And these were the cookies I made that year!  Nice!

This was my epic fail from 2019!  OY!!


  1. This made me laugh because I opted out of a cookie exchange this year... I wasn’t up to making 4 dozen cookies!!!! I dont Bake either!
    Next year I may Do slice and bake....that’s home made!!

  2. Some day you will realize it is not the look of the cookie, but that the taste of the cookie is the most important thing! :-) my mother's fudge was always too soft, it had to be eaten with a spoon. But it was delicious!

  3. I don't think it's really about the cookies. It's about the community. When I was in Moms' clubs, we would take dinner to members who had new babies or who had suffered a loss, surgery etc. I got to thinking about this. When we were on the recieving end, we got stuff that we just didn't like to eat. When on the giving end, I'm sure the same applied. Often there were family members staying with the new parents who coud surely have made dinner. From Stouffer's to Door Dash, we have so many ways to sit down to a hot meal. But not so many ways to say and hear "I care about you. I want to provide for you. I want to visit and make sure you are okay". Eventually, I realized those clumsy meals were actually love. And the same with cookies. Wouldn't everyone prefer the not-burned ones? Yes, but they want you there. Enjoy <3 PS I have also had book club meetings without a book ;-)


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