Word of the day…OVERWHELMED!

Oh Facebook, thank you so much for those wonderful memories!   Some memories are better than others and some can stab you in the gut.   But occasionally, something pops up that reminds me to try and cut back on the things that keep me going 100 mph. 

This week, a memory popped up from 2015…Five years ago people.   You would think something would have changed since then.   It may be a little better, but right now, it seems totally true.

This was my post in October 2014:

I think I remember a time, while planning Katie's wedding (oh so long ago!), that I was worried I would need a "project" or something to keep me busy when everything settled down.   I'm not sure how it happened, but I feel like I am busier than ever at this point!   How does that happen?   I only work part-time, but my "projects" seem to be "fulltime" and leaving little time for much else!   Now don't get me wrong, these projects are all fun...and I am enjoying them, but I look forward to bedtime now, more than ever!   Off to Fashion Show rehearsal...
#becarefulwhatyouwishfor   #iamjustagirlwhocantsayno

I laughed when I saw this because I could have written it last Wednesday.  A couple of things have changed…I work fulltime now, (I would give my eye teeth for parttime now!) and I didn’t have to go to the Fashion Show rehearsal, but one thing that hasn’t changed, I look forward to bedtime!   Well maybe that’s not totally true.

Bedtime is not the same anymore.  It hasn’t been for a couple of years.   I remember the days when Greg and I would not go to bed without the other.  Neither one of us slept well alone and even if one of us was falling asleep on the couch, we would wait until the other was ready to go up.   Sometimes, bedtime is lonely.   Other times, I can lay diagonally in the bed and think about how nice it is to stretch out!

My apartment is great, but the second bedroom is a storage room with a bed!   It’s organized, but it is done in early Rubbermaid and soon, Katie & Anthony and sweet Gabriel will arrive for the holidays. There is not enough room for a dog bed and a pack & play baby bed.   UGH!!  I need to work on those bins!

Over the weekend, I felt the need to shift my closet around, pulling fall clothes out and putting summer away.  So, I started that project on Sunday.  Halfway through, with piles of things on my bed, I said to myself, “What the hell were you thinking???”   I was able to finish the bottom shelf of the closet which houses my shirts/sweaters so now, it’s on to the pants.   I need to commit to finishing the closet and then move forward with the bins. 

For months, I’ve been talking about taking one bin at a time and making a decision on the items inside.  Yet, that has not happened.  These bins are from the storage unit we had after selling the house.   I haven’t been prepared to give up some of the items but now, I think I’m ready.   Some things can be donated, some will be kept, and some things, well, they will go to family and friends.  There may even be some trash!  0 The bottom line is these bins need to be worked on so there will be more room for my peeps.

There you have it…projects that are waiting for me to jump in.   I have a lot on my plate with my job and other obligations, and the projects at home continue to pile up.  

You all know that I like my lists…not just my “TO DO” list but my “DONE” list.   I’ve let that go!  I think it is time to re-visit the “DONE” list so I won’t feel bad about not getting things marked of the “TO DO” list! 

Tonight…I have dinner plans (Lord knows I can’t say no to a social invitation!) so I won’t have time to organize a bin.   Tomorrow, Thursday, I vow to work on my closet so that I can work on bins over the weekend. 

Lord...(and all of you kind people!), give me strength!!



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