Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years!!!


For those of you who have been wondering or worrying about me, I’m fine!
I have been held captive by a damn Kidney Stone but I’m slowly getting back!

Yes, friends, the kidney stone from hell, Pearl, made its appearance. Here is how it played out. I had my friends for work to the house for a happy hour. We were enjoying the evening, when suddenly, I got a stabbing pain on my side. I thought it was caused by the way I was sitting so I started shifting around in my seat. No change.  Then, I started to get this wave of nausea like never before.

I kept taking sips of water (although my friends thought it was a cocktail!) and still, I thought I was going to lose it…literally!

As they got up to leave, I felt myself swallowing over and over again, trying to keep from burping. As soon as the last guest, walked out the door, all hell broke lose for me. I don’t want to be graphic, but between the pain, the puke, and the fear of dying, I was a hot mess.

Of course, I didn’t want anyone to know anything was wrong so I calmed myself in the bathroom, putting a cold rag on my head (not sure why I did that) and changed into my PJs.

My family was snacking on the leftovers and when I looked at the food, the whole scenario happened again. I told them I was going to my room with a bad stomach. When my brother came to check on me before heading home, he knew I didn’t feel good, but neither of us knew what was happening. I took Tums and Motrin and hoped to take the edge off enough to fall asleep.

The waves of nausea came and went but the nagging pain in my side was now moving towards my back. Soon, it was morning and things seemed okay, but as soon as I started moving around, I knew something bad was happening.

After reviewing “Dr. Google” and other online resources, I determined that it was gall bladder, appendix or kidney stones…so, off to the hospital I was going to go. Now, you know it was bad for me, after that scathing recent blogpost about the emergency room, but I needed help!

The first trip to the ER (yes, there were two!) provided me with an IV loaded with anti-biotics, anti-nausea and pain meds. Thankfully, that provided me some immediate relief. After bloodwork and a CAT scan, the diagnosis was a kidney stone. Now, at this point I was a little foggy but I could have sworn the doctor said, “It’s four centimeters in size, but we don’t do anything until it is six or larger.”

I wasn’t the best math student but I envisioned more of a golf ball than a stone! The nurse then asked how I felt about morphine, and without hesitation, I said, “I’m good!” So they loaded me with a dose and required me to stay for 30 minutes to make sure I had no reaction. Gotta say, I felt pretty good by the time we left, with four prescriptions waiting at the pharmacy.

Later, while reviewing the paperwork and med instructions, I realized that the stone was not 4cm but 4 millimeters. That was more tolerable as it was the size of a pencil lead. Since this little stone was going to be with me for a bit, I named her Pearl. I’m trying to make light of something that can “attack” me at any time.

I was headed to Michigan for a girl’s trip and I was given permission to go and take it easy. I did just that…very relaxing…but anxious about when another attack could happen. The trip was wonderful and gave me the opportunity to forget my troubles!

Fast forward a few more days and I knew something was still wrong. Instead of just the pain/nausea from the stone, I had new cramping and the urge to pee non-stop. I was fairly certain it was a UTI and I know in people with “advanced” age, it can be a big problem. So, once again, I felt like I needed to be checked out as meds were mostly gone.

Another visit called for a new CAT scan and it was confirmed that the stone was moving but I also had the UTI I suspected. More meds called in and another IV with antibiotics and I was on my way. I don’t think they are as free with the morphine during the mornings as I was not offered that again, or they suspected I was a repeat offender.

Again, I was out of commission. I have been on a variety of drugs and thankfully, the UTI is gone. However, I’m still not sure when my “boulder” I mean, Pearl, will decide to come out. The urologist this week has decided to continue my current meds, and in early January, we will do another CAT scan and determine if we need to blast it out. He kindly gave me a strainer so I could keep track of the stone. They will want to run tests on it when it decides to leave my body. Now I would be using the strainer regularly if it was something you could keep handy, but in our bathroom, there are not a lot of hiding spots and quite frankly, a strainer, without a long handle isn’t exactly my style! I’m sure I’ll notice when “Pearl” makes her exit.

My Dad has a history of kidney stones, and he has always told us the pain was the worst he ever had but I always said, “yeah, but you haven’t had a baby!” Well, I can tell you, if you don’t already know, that this pain was a slight second to childbirth. It was intense and I consider myself fairly tolerant of pain.

So, I have laid very low on social media, I have cancelled four fun events due to not feeling up to par and wanting to be at my best for Christmas with my buddies.

I’m grateful that it was nothing more serious and I’m especially grateful for excellent emergency room service.

Thanks for checking in on me and noticing my missing blogs. I appreciate you all!!

So, as we head into Christmas, I am looking forward to some good times with Katie and her family, lots of presents, lots of food & drink, and lots of chaos! I wish the very same for all of you!!!  XOXOXO

All I want for Christmas is to pass this stone....


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