I Believe In Love…
As you all know, I have been divorced for nearly four years.
It’s really hard to believe and even harder to believe how much has happened in
those four years. Two grandsons, my own apartment, a big move south and return
to my old room, three birthdays, nearly two years of pandemic life, a new job,
and several little side “gigs” along the way.
When I was going through my divorce, from a good man who had
given me a good life, I wondered if I would ever find love again. Don’t fall
over…I haven’t found it yet! However, I do know it is possible. I’ve seen many go
through divorce or death of spouses and new love was found. I’m not obsessed
and I have a good life and I know I am loved by many…family AND amazing friends
from all parts of my life! I’m happy and loved.
I also know that some people wait a very long time to find
love and there is nothing better for me to witness than a long-awaited love
that results in a marriage. That’s exactly what I will be doing this weekend.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll head to Cleveland to celebrate the
marriage of one of my cousins who is in her ummmm….40s and she will be getting
married for the first time! This cousin went to and excelled in college. She
had wonderful opportunities, travel, had a successful small business and is now in job
that she has had for awhile with the Cleveland Clinic.
With all of those things being said, as she continued with her
career and her amazing life, she realized that she was missing something and
that something for her was a child. As a single woman, she knew it wouldn’t be
easy but she chose to go with an international adoption. After a long and
expensive journey, filled with ups and downs, she visited China to pick up her
baby boy. This adorable boy arrived shortly after her Mother had died and those
first few weeks at home were bittersweet. Her son was not quite two if I
remember correctly, and he has a skin condition but she is fortunate to have
access to amazing medical care through the Cleveland Clinic. It was a HUGE
transition for her. She tackled it with grace and strength, learning to be a Mom without her Mom by her side. I could say so much here but I won't embarrass her. Instead, I'll let everyone know that I admire her and know she has more strength than many.
Fast forward a few years and now, that son is seven and he will
be the ring bearer at her wedding. Yes, she found love and soon, her son will
have a Dad who loves his Mom almost as much as he does. I can’t wait to witness
this event!
My sweet cousin has included me in some of the big decisions…her
dress, shoes, and she has asked for my opinion. She is very close to her Dad and he
has been the holder of the phone when we FaceTime during “fashion” shows, beaming
every time. He couldn’t be happier! He loves her choice of mates!
You may remember I hosted a cocktail party for her in August
and it was a treat to meet her future husband and his family and friends. I
made a short toast welcoming him into our crazy family and with a happy heart,
I told them that the best things in life are worth waiting for and that has
been proven by them! I think he's ready for us...bless his heart!
My parents will be unable to make the trip, but my Mom
wanted the bride to have something special from her. She sent some lace from
her wedding dress, some 65 years old. My cousin has had this piece of lace sewn
into the inside of her own dress, along with some of her own Mom’s dress. I get
a little weepy just thinking about it!
As I prepare to head north for a quick trip, I look forward to supporting the bride and her entourage as needed. I look forward to celebrating a Nuptial Mass followed by “Cocktails at the Carousel” prior to the evening of dining and dancing at The Cleveland Zoo. I look forward to being in a large space full of so much love…because I do believe in love!!
Happy Wedding
Weekend…Laura & Jeff and a very proud Josh!
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