Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
This Italian
girl is more than happy to be Irish on March 17! Many of my memories are of
those day long celebrations that many people took part in…me? Well, I started
with happy hour and into the dancing hours later! I’m not sure I could hang
with them now, but I sure would like to try!! Save the date! March 17, 2022…I’m
celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with friends!!
Today has been
a great day so far. You know I’ve been working on my random acts of kindness
and although I have been working hard to find them, I have been keeping up!
However, today, I feel that I was treated to an act of kindness…although not
totally random!
As you know, I’m
living in my childhood home, with my parents. I am in my old room and I’m
dreaming about where I will go next! There’s no rush, as I’m needed here, and
that is fine. It’s fun to think about and it gives me something to plan.
I have determined that I will get rid of my neutral colors and work towards the
bright colors of a peacock. There is a “bird” test that rates your personality
as a Dove, Owl, Eagle or Peacock. I plan to write about this in another blog,
but suffice to say a peacock likes attention and is talkative and guess what? My
personality test ranks as a peacock…hmmm!
Putting that
aside, I love bright colors and the peacock/jewel tones are so lovely together.
Later this month, I will be picking up a large piece of artwork that is a
colorful peacock. It is hand painted by someone I met in Cincinnati. It wasn’t
cheap but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I have been making payments and it’s
time to pick it up! (pictures to come!)
Here’s where
the kind act comes in! Today, I picked up something today that was made by a
friend. One of my friends has been furloughed during covid and she has taught herself
how to quilt…thank you YouTube and Quilting for Dummies. I had seen some of her
work on Facebook and I sent her a message to see how much it would cost to have
a lap quilt in peacock colors. She told me that she was an amateur and would
love to do it for me for the cost of materials. We exchanged a few messages (“I’ll
give you a nice tip!” And “That’s crazy…I have to pay something.”) I wasn’t
sure what to do so I decided to pay for the materials and add my “nice tip” to
the money.
We met earlier
today to do the exchange in the parking lot of a nearby shopping center. The
quilt is perfect! It has the wonderful colors and this photo does not do it justice!
I couldn’t be happier. She got this done in 2-3 days! She pointed out a couple
of stitches that were off, but to me, that’s what a quilt is all about…the
little imperfections! To me, everything was perfect! When I handed her the
money, she took two $20s to cover the materials and basically refused the rest.
I begged her, I tried to get back into the car and keeping my hands away
and she threatened to stuff it
into my bra!! HA! Obviously, she wanted no part of the money and after a few
minutes of trying, I gave up. I offered to do something for her (she and her husband
will be my guest at our class reunion!) and we have made a deal.
I wanted to hug
her but we aren’t quite there yet. I am not naming her because I didn’t ask her
permission, but this sweet girl definitely did an act of kindness for me, and I
want her to know it doesn’t not go unnoticed.
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