You Can’t Make This S#%* Up!

Sometimes, when things happen to me, in or around my life, I think to myself, “You Can’t Make This Shit Up!” It’s usually accompanied by a laugh and a head shake, and to be quite honest, it happens often. I have already decided that this will be the title of my book some day!

I used to say that it was me…afterall, I never heard others speak of these bizarre situations, but more frequently than not, I know I’m not alone!

Sunday, as I was typing on the computer, my parents, who were within my sight and my hearing, were discussing a donation to charity. They planned on donating to my workplace. Here’s how the conversation went: 

Dad: Who do I make the check out to?

Lisa: CCC or Community Catholic Center

Dad: CGT?

Lisa: No, CCC

Dad: CTZ?

Lisa: No, CCC

Dad: (now with hand gestures) CPT?

Lisa: (moving from the table to a close up, face-to-face) CCC! You know, like Community Catholic Center (large print indicating a loud voice!)

Mom: Just spell out Community Catholic Center, Charles.

Mom again:  (laughing hysterically!) I thought you were saying Ce Ce Ce, like your grandma name

Lisa: Good God Almighty…you all need to turn on your hearing aids.

*They have hearing aids…Mom thinks they are only “on” or “off” and she can’t manage to adjust volume. Dad refuses to wear his.

This is just an example of a day-to-day in our house. These are the things that make us laugh when often, laughing isn’t easy.

I know I’m late with my blog post today, so I hope you will forgive me. This week is not an easy one for me. There is an anniversary date that I haven’t let go of yet…the day I found out my marriage wasn’t going to survive, happened three years ago on December 5. It’s a day I can’t really forget, but I do find ways to remind myself how far I have come and today, one of those things happened.

After some major issues with my i-Phone, I ordered one, online on Black Friday. The phone arrived yesterday and today, without ANY help from anyone, I managed to back-up everything, and convert my phone information to the new phone. Just moments ago, I actually put the screen cover on the phone. Shout out to Anthony for helping me determine which phone to order!

Now I know there are some serious eye rolls going around the room, but let me tell you, this is huge! I have never done the phone things alone. I’ve had Greg or Anthony and I’ve gone to the Verizon store. I was scared to death that I was going to mess something up, lose everything, mess up the phone in some way, and what you know? I DID IT!

So, I’ll take that as my victory this week, as I move into the weekend that may bring a twinge of sadness. It’s been a busy day off, with preparing our dinner prior to 9am this morning, caring for Mom, setting up my phone, a mani/pedi, and a few routine chores. These are the days that are productive and I appreciate them.

Netflix is calling me tonight so I’m keeping this short! Have a great week!  XOXOXXO



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