Breaking News…

I am going home!  After 30+ years in Cincinnati, I’m going back to Louisville!  Not just for a visit, but moving back to Louisville!! 

On May 3, I gave my notice to Mt. Notre Dame, the place that I thought would be the location of my last job, where I would retire.  I have had a great run there and have enjoyed the friendships of so many. I know I’m lucky to have had such great work friends.  It broke my heart to have to give notice over the phone, but if doing it in person was going to happen…I’d have to drive back to town to give notice, since my job goes from August 1 to May 31! 

During this quarantine/shutdown/pandemic, I have had lots of time to think.  This time has been filled with deep discussions about life and the changes that have been part of my life during these past couple of years.  Things that will change, learning that we are not immune to any of the difficulties in life.

When I was first divorced, I needed to keep things familiar and without a ton of change.  Afterall, the move from our marital home to a two-bedroom apartment and the downsizing that came with that was more than I anticipated.  It took some time to recover!!  Most of the time, I know that I am still “recovering” and consider myself a work in progress! 

I have had a great life in Cincinnati…so many good friends and the good fortune of a job that I enjoyed.  After the divorce, there were changes but these things were consistent…good friends and a good job.  There has been something missing for the past two years…my family!  When I was married, I had Greg, but now, I don’t have any family in town.  I must admit, at times, that has not been terrible.  Let’s face it, those of us with close families know that sometimes, a little space is good.  However, during this pandemic, I felt alone…for a short time and that’s when I decided to go to Pittsburgh.  I craved family. 

I knew my parents were in good hands with my siblings, so I decided to go to Pittsburgh, where the cutest baby in the world resides!!  (LOL!!)  Now, 8 plus weeks later, I know that Pittsburgh is a great place to be…I felt safe, loved and welcomed by Katie, Anthony and Gabriel, but moving there really isn’t an option.  I don’t like the traffic and Lord knows I would be a menace with all of the parallel parking, and quite frankly, as much as I’d love to have Katie and her family nearby, I’m too old to start over with new friends. 

Today, all of my immediate family is in Louisville.  Soon, my parents will have all of their children in the same city, something that has not happened for 30+ years!  

Moving to Louisville makes the most sense for me wanting to be with family, but it brings a lot of changes.  New living space, new job, re-kindling of friendships, and a new normal. 
What is a new normal in this day and age?  I truly don’t know.  What will the next few weeks, my next chapter, look like for me?  I truly don’t know.  What I do know is that I will have my family nearby and my Louisville friends have promised to be there the minute I pull into the driveway!  (metaphorically speaking since social distancing may still be in place!)

During the next few weeks, I’ll be packing, making decisions about what needs to go and what needs to stay, securing insurance, updating financial accounts, and more.  Some of those decisions will be difficult and some will be easier.  I’ll be doing some virtual farewells, and wrapping up my job from home.  I’m going to try and log my activities and feelings during the next few weeks.  I will share what it’s like to make these changes in the midst of a pandemic.  I’ll fill you in on my plans, one of the big ones is becoming more involved in the care of my Mom, something that will be a comfort to me as well as her.  More on this later!

My days in Cincinnati are numbered…my apartment lease is up on July 4, but obviously, I won’t be moving out that day.  I expect to be in Louisville full time by July 1 (probably a little before!). 

For those of you who are finding out about this life change for me, today, I apologize.  I’m trying to get to everyone, but it’s been a crazy time (I know I'm not alone in this statement!). I will need “closure” at some point so I’m looking forward to taking a road trip to Cincinnati to have happy hour with groups of friends and many have already been gracious to offer a spare room for an overnight!  Be careful what you wish for!!

Today, I’m in Louisville for a family check-in.  I left Pittsburgh yesterday and will see my “kids” 2 weeks after I return back to Cincinnati…keeping the two-week self-quarantining after crossing state lines.   

In the meantime, you should know that I love you all and you will always have someone to visit in Louisville…it’s only two hours away! 

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