World Kindness Day!

Who knew?   Thank goodness for Facebook and for our Health & Wellness Counselor at Mt. Notre Dame!   I had heard this yesterday and vowed to wear a cardigan to school today in honor/memory of Mr. Rogers, at her suggestion.  I’m not good at selfies so you will have to take my word for it!! 

Well, it seems the Pittsburgh area is all about cardigans today…Fun fact, Katie, Anthony and Gabriel really do live in Mr. Rogers neighborhood…Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh!  

Anyway, in Pittsburgh, they are inviting people to stop by the various media stations, with their cardigans on, and get a picture of themselves with the Mr. Rogers who may be a cardboard cutout, a statue, or a face on a mural.   In Pittsburgh, Mr. Rogers is all over the place.  If I knew of someplace in Cincinnati where this is happening, I’d make the effort to go and get my picture taken.

Full confession, I really never had Katie watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood on TV.  Occasionally it would appear, but it wasn't a "must watch."   I’m not sure why, but I think it was because it was on PBS and there were other more “action packed” shows elsewhere. (insert shame!)   

However, as an adult, I’m fascinated by Fred Rogers and his kindness concepts.  I can’t wait for this new movie to come out with Tom Hanks.  I know it will be a “feel good” movie and who doesn’t need that?   (especially during the hectic pace of the holidays???)

I know I have mentioned kindness many times in this blog.   Sometimes, I need to listen to my own words because there are days when I could dig up a little more kindness to share, practicing what I preach.  In this crazy world of ours, it’s not always easy.  My world is a lot smaller than this crazy world, so I have to remember to start with me because it is contagious.  Baby steps can go a long way. 

Today, I will try to find more kindness in my day.  I’m not sure what that will look like but I am leaving home with kindness on my mind.

I am grateful that my Gabriel is growing up in a city that embraces kindness.  I hope to see a picture of Gabriel in a cardigan today!

Have a great day and Be Kind!!!


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