Ten Year Challenge

For those of you with Facebook, you know a lot of people have been posting pictures from ten years ago and a current picture, showing change!  Well, due to my move, my old pictures are packed away so I haven’t posted any pictures showing how I've changed from ten years ago.  Trust me, I haven't changed much...a few more wrinkles maybe, but same basic hair style (needs more frequent color touch-ups), same curvy figure, but overall, the same!

So for my ten year challenge, I am going to do a lifestyle look back.   This may be uncomfortable for some of you to read, but I can assure you, I am fine.  Here goes…

In 2009, ten years ago, at this time, I was 51 years old…gosh!   Seems like forever ago!  I was working two jobs getting Katie through college and I knew that would end soon.   Katie was halfway through her senior year of college!   That seems hard to believe!   She was well on her way to a great life.  

We were living in our 2500 square foot home, the one we had built together. As much as we loved our home, we looked forward to downsizing.  It was decorated with a Christmas tree in every room.

Greg and I had celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary…for me, that was such a huge milestone and we had celebrated in style.  I was a lucky gal!

My siblings were living in Georgia, North Carolina and Kentucky.  My folks were well, dancing once a week to the band that would eventually play at Katie & Anthony’s wedding. 
I was loving life and enjoying all of the fun that came along.

Fast forward ten years.  We’re now closing out 2019 and WOWZA!  For me, life has changed dramatically!  I’m now a sweet 61 years old and some days, I feel every bit of it, some days I can’t believe I’m 61! I often forget that I am 61 and try to keep up the crazy schedule that used to be much easier, ten years ago.  Looking back, 51 seems so young!

I’m working one job and I do count my blessings that this job provides me with benefits, something I never had to worry about.

Katie has now been married for seven years and has her sweet baby Gabriel!  She is living a great life with Anthony and for that, I am extremely grateful!  Plus, I have the cutest grandson ever and I’m fortunate to be able to see him often…although I can’t seem to get enough of him!

I now live alone, in my 1100 square foot apartment.  It’s nothing fancy, but I call it home for now.  There’s something to be said about no maintenance!!  Just sayin’!!   And, yes, I have a Christmas tree in every room!   Some things stay the same!

We dreamed of downsizing, but I had no choice with this move.  Downsizing was tough, very emotional and yet, it made me happy to donate so much to charity. I actually still have plenty of “stuff” too!!  I am happy that Katie has a lot of our things that she wanted and many of my friends purchased some of my things, so I can go "visit" them anytime!

ALL of my siblings are now living in Louisville, not far from my parents.  We get to see each other more often and that has been good.  My parents, as you know, have definitely hit their 80s with lots of health issues, so having all of us nearby is a good thing.   Being two hours away allows me to get there when I’m needed.  I’m grateful to them for all that they do and I’m glad I can get to them help out when things come up.

Perhaps the biggest change has been the fact that instead of celebrating 35 years of marriage, I am marking 18 months as a divorced woman.  (still hate that word but it is what it is!!)

Yes, a lot has changed for me in the last ten years.  Some things, I never would have predicted, but we all know, life happens. 

Every morning, I see this quote in my bathroom…”Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!!”   Some days, it is easier to embrace that quote than others, but I read it every day, and I give it a shot.

So, I’ve looked back and now, I’m looking ahead!   I have a good life, despite the sad turns that have occurred, I can’t deny that I’ve had more than my share of good things.  I’m planning to find more of those good times along the way!


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