Privacy Please…or Not?  
           That is the question!

Recently, I placed an order for an event I was hosting this past Friday.   Easy, fajita bar from our local Moe’s Southwest Grill that was to be delivered.   I also ordered mini bundt cakes for dessert…SOOOO EASY!!    It was 10pm and I was in my chair, feet up and watching something trashy on TV!  

The next morning, I logged onto Facebook and woke up to my Facebook memories, followed by an ad for Moe’s Southwest Grill Catering and Nothing Bundt Cakes!   WOWZA!  

I’ve looked at Third Love before as a site for bras (sorry guys!) and now, I feel like they are sending me Facebook notices every time there’s a sale!    Did you know there are skin tag removers?   I was talking to someone about that and BAM!   Ads for skin tags popped up.   It would be funny if it wasn’t a little scary.   THIS IS SCARY!  

Can Facebook read my mind?   Was there a drone hovering overhead, reading what I was doing on the computer?  Well, I am fairly certain Facebook can’t read my mind, but I am not surprised that they were able to track this information.   It’s the “magic” of the internet…or should I say the personal invasion of my life and the lives of my friends?  

Okay, before you start fussing…I know this blog is being monitored by someone, somewhere, somehow, and it’s not private at all…NOTHING on the internet is private!   Did you hear me???  NOTHING!!!

That’s why we tell our kids not to post those crazy drinking pictures from college, or those skimpy clothing pictures from vacation.   Those things do not go away!  

I always say I’m not overly bothered by this because I have nothing to hide.   Truly, I am kind of boring when it comes to most things.   I am a rule follower, so I follow rules.   I don’t threaten people online.   I don’t dare anyone to do something, to me or otherwise.   I just live my life.   However, I get it…it’s a huge intrusion and you have every right to feel violated or angry at the lack of privacy.  Bottom line, you need to be aware of what you post/share on the internet.  

Last week, my sister had her phone stolen.   This is a number one pain in the A@@ but it happened and she had to deal with it.   The “thief” thought it was fun to text her friends, to use her apps to charge some Avengers merchandise, and to mess things up for her prior to the realization and report that the phone was gone.   Changing passwords is the worst! 

I have to say, in the “old” days, I understood why phones were stolen…not everyone had one and the market was hot.   These days, with the security measures the various phone companies have in place to prevent much damage, and the fact that so many people have them, I think it’s a waste of time…except to try and sell it on the street.   As soon as a customer tries to use the stolen phone by trying to get service, they will be busted.   So…again, dumb.  But as long as humans are alive, they will do dumb things.


The real challenge for me is the privacy of my new grandchild.   We are getting closer and closer to his/her arrival and although I will want to shout it to everyone I know, my daughter and son-in-law have asked for a level of privacy that I will honor and respect.   They will have a photo sharing site and family will have access to it.   However, they have asked that no pictures of the baby be posted on Facebook.   If one is posted, it will come from them first.    Rest assured, if you want to see a picture, I will make it happen...privately!  Of course, if we see each other in person, be prepared for a slide show!     Some of you may see pictures from me without asking, just sayin’!    

To be honest, I’m proud of their proactive behavior as they look ahead.  These are the things the modern parents must consider.   I’m not going to lie, I’m sad that my Facebook page won’t be the avenue for sharing photos of our newest family member, but I’m grateful for your understanding.   

Times have changed!   We are open books on many levels.   I know that I have shared more information than I probably should have on various topics.   I’m not savvy to how the internet and all the online things work.   I’m going to work on that…

Be careful and be smart when it comes to internet communication!    Oh yeah…if you need a cheap fajita bar, let me know!!!

Because a burrito is better than cake.

                                   This picture was the first thing posted after my memories
on the morning after I ordered the food.  


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