Getting Caught Up…

This past week has been a busy one!   Working and still recovering from the Gala (seems like it will never end!) has been a big part of my days and at night…I have had something every night! 
I love being busy…I truly do.   Sometimes, busy is taken to an extreme in my life and although this week wouldn’t necessarily be an extreme, it kind of feels that way.

Oh the time change!   I have prided myself on being easily adaptable when the time changes.  In fact, one of my strengths is Adaptability (according to the Strengthfinders).    I also used to live with someone who would literally take two weeks to recover from a simple time change.   I don’t want to minimize the adjustments some people need but come on folks…it’s an hour.   WELL, NO MORE!!   I have struggled all week with this time change.   I’m not sure why but each night, as tired as I am, I don’t know if I should go to bed or not.   So, I have stayed up, usually slobbering in place while falling asleep, (sorry about that visual!) then I have gone to bed, sometime after 11pm.   That didn’t last long as each night, I was wide awake between 1:45-2am and struggling to get back to sleep.   If I didn’t live in an apartment, I would probably get up but I worry that they may hear me doing laundry and of course, the experts say, don’t get up…try to go back to sleep.

Eventually, I would fall back to sleep but each morning, I was really groggy.   I think with the aftermath of the Gala, my body just wasn’t ready for the time change.   I’m back to normal (whatever that may be!) and I’m looking forward to moving on.

I spent last Sunday with a good friend, enjoying brunch and getting caught up.   Errands and laundry followed, and the week was off to a busy start!   Monday…group therapy, Tuesday…OH WAIT…you want to more about group therapy???   That will come later!!   Tuesday, I met with Greg.   Wednesday…dinner and guest speaker, Delia Ephron with another friend.   Thursday, Worthy Women happy hour, and Friday, dinner with another friend!   Saturday, off to Louisville and Sunday…today…home from Louisville and getting caught up!  WHEW…I’m exhausted!!!   But it is a good exhausted…Is that a thing?

As much as I loved my time with friends, I think I should get you caught up on my Monday and Thursday evenings.   First up, group therapy!  For the next few Monday nights, I’m in a group with my counselor called SSS, Strong, Smart & Sassy Women.   I definitely have the Sassy part down!!

It is usually 4-7 women in various stages of life, working towards various goals.   We find strength in numbers, as humans, and these groups have allowed me to share in a safe place, meet new friends, and learn a lot about myself.    I have mentioned many times how valuable my counseling has been in my newest chapter, but I love extending the counseling to these group sessions.   We aren’t exactly like the group on the Bob Newhart Show (may be dating myself!) but everyone has their own struggle and being together, supporting one another through various exercises on self-love and self-worth has been great for me.   It doesn’t come cheap, but I have made friends (each group has been different women) and there is no price for that.   Monday was the first night, so there was a little getting to know one another, but we talked about the Love EquationInsert Trademark for my counselor Beth Luwandi Lofstrom. 

This is something I struggle with, regularly, but I am getting much better at it.   So what is the Love Equation???  (remember, this is a trademarked statement from my counselor!!)

To see accutrately +
To understand deeply +
To accept unconditionally +

Sounds pretty deep, I know, but really, if you think about these things, about yourself or about others, it does make sense.  I struggle with this love equation...for myself.   I don't know if I will ever accept myself unconditionally...I preach about doing that with others, but it seems almost impossible to do it for myself.   It's St. Patrick's Day and it is a fun day so I don't want to be Donna O'Downer.  I will take this on at another time...but I leave it for you to think about!

Next up, my group of Worthy Women & Divorce happy hour on Thursday.   Think back to Thursday night…the weather around here (and most of the country) was crazy!   We had flooded roadways and tornado warnings, right when the happy hour was about to start!    I had decided to put together a group from a Facebook page.   These women were strangers to me but somehow, I felt that we would have a bond.   My group of 12 women ended up being 3…but it was good!   We shared our stories with one another and found common ground, and yet different ground.   Everyone has a story, that’s for sure.    We are looking forward to the next time, and seeing more women join us.  I hope that by meeting these women, we can offer support and re-assurances that life does get better, although it takes time.   Most of all, I hope we can remind each other that WE ARE ENOUGH!  

I hope everyone I know feels that way!   WE ARE ENOUGH!   I don’t want any of my friends to feel like they aren’t good enough…EVER!    It’s easy to have self-doubt, and when we think of ourselves, we often think that we are being selfish.   I have learned from counseling (although I don’t always practice this)…You really can’t take care of others unless you have truly taken care of yourself.   So, remind yourself often…YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!  

Enjoy the rest of your St. Patrick’s Day!   Even Italians are Irish on March 17!!!


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